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Social Media Strategies: The Importance Of Keeping It Real

Social media has emerged as a hybrid business tool that not only encourages business owners to actively engage potential clients, but to maintain a brand image that truly represents the company itself.

While social media is an intrinsic part of any online marketing plan, knowing what is expected by the community is an important part of accelerating the growth in the realm of social media.


Be honest with yourself. If posting regular social media updates would not be something you are interested in, hire an outgoing, social community manager to set a strong foundation for the online presence of your business.

Rising engagement among users

Instagram’s power lies in the fact that it appeals to broader demographics than other platforms. It manages to reach both the younger generation, but also the older ones, in a way that it makes it tempting for brands.

Social Media Strategy

According to Pew’s recent survey, Instagram is the second most popular social platform among teens, with only YouTube coming first. In fact, 72% of the respondents seem to be Instagram users.


Outsourcing can be both good and bad for a reputable company, but sometimes carrying out and implementing a fail-proof social media strategy requires delegating. If you want to take on the social media aspect of your business by yourself, be aware that there will be long hours and constant scattered duties. You will have to address customer concerns and comments, re-tweet posts, and share a multitude of different types of media at random hours. Are you up for it?


Arlene Dickinson squashed the notion of a work-life balance in her book ‘All In’, and notes that as a business owner, you cannot separate work from life or you will be striving for something unrealistic. It is critical that you integrate social media into your branding strategy, and understand how it impacts your business image and model.

Alongside your business work duties, meshing social media into your life alongside work can help you share with your followers on a regular basis; it’s a great way to boost your brand image, and allow consumers to follow your businesses endeavors through your day-to-day life.


Having a strong mix of social media and outbound techniques is a great way to see real progress. Alongside your standard marketing mix, the above professional and personal marketing mix is paramount since you are trying to socially involve consumers. By being open about regular activities, what helps you get work completed, and even the struggles your business face on a regular basis can keep your enterprise real and personable; letting yourself seem vulnerable is a great way to measure your success.

Social media can be fun and refreshing, and it can personalize your business, boost your brand, and help you keep on top of consumer satisfaction. Understanding your target audience can amplify your overall market impact, but if managing your own social media strategy is not right for you, then delegate the project out to someone who is just as passionate about your business as you are.

Need help with your social media strategy? Contact Appfy for hand on social media expertise and community management today!

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