Three Types of Online Marketing | With Overall Strategy

Do you have your own online business but don’t know how to promote it properly? Are you struggling to make some sales or revenues because your brand isn’t even noticeable by your target audience? If so, you need to consider using an effective online marketing strategy.

Without a proper online marketing tactic, you’d be missing out on amazing opportunities that can help your business grow. In fact, the Total Retail Survey 2017 conducted by PwC stated that 45% of consumers in the US alone use the internet when making a purchase.

This only means that as more and more people are getting online, having an effective online marketing strategy can be a huge help. There are several online marketing strategies you can use online. However, we’re going to talk about the three types of marketing which can greatly help your business. They are as follows:

Total Retail Survey 2017 conducted by PwC - Online Marketing

Get Social Media Marketing

The massive popularity of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter has prompted internet marketers and business owners to start creating their own social media profiles to get in touch with their audience and even attract potential ones. 

Although social media marketing isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme, it certainly has massive potential for creating and nurturing a solid customer base. Then again, quality content and good design both play a major role as they will be the factors that can attract your target audience. By promoting your brand on social media, you can benefit from better brand awareness, increased customer engagement, and interaction, and more inbound traffic towards your website.

Like any other form of online marketing, you should also welcome the possibility of spending money on your social media campaigns. Facebook marketing, for example, will encourage you to spend a few dollars or even a hundred for sponsored ads if you want to tap into an even bigger targeted demographic.

Since social media networks are home to billions of active users, spending a few dollars to reach your customers can be worth it if done properly.

Don’t Forget Search Engine Optimization

With the various algorithm updates that Google introduced, a lot of people often think that SEO is dead. However, that’s not exactly the case. As it turns out, SEO is still relevant and even highly effective in building your business’ online presence.

SEO or search engine optimization is a process that aims to make your site become more visible in search engines, ideally placing it in the top results when a user performs a related search. With a proper SEO strategy, you can position your website in the top results which in turn allows it to receive more organic traffic.

Unlike social media marketing, SEO involves investment. You need to invest a few hundreds or even thousands of dollars depending on the competition just to get your brand show up in the search results. However, if you’re creating fresh and original content on a regular basis, you can just treat it as an extra investment.

Regardless, SEO still proves to be a huge help, especially if social media marketing and paid ads aren’t delivering satisfiable results. Moreover, it’s a complicated process, and you’ll need the services of an expert digital marketing agency to pull off an effective SEO strategy for your business.

Why Content Marketing Works?

A content marketing strategy involves creating high quality and relevant content for both search engines and readers. It normally takes on various forms depending on your strategy. You can either use eBooks, blogs, white papers, and other forms to attract your target. Since content marketing is highly versatile, a lot of online businesses take advantage of such a strategy to attract customers.

You can also incorporate SEO techniques into your content marketing strategy. This can be done by including keywords related to your business. You should also know that content marketing isn’t just limited to articles and blogs. Visual content also counts such as videos and images. By creating content that can capture everyone’s attention and has a tendency to go viral, you can easily increase your brand’s awareness in no time.

Online Marketing

Here Are Additional Forms of Online Marketing

Aside from the three mentioned, there are also other forms of online marketing you can use to promote your business. They are the following:

  • Email marketing – this involves reaching out to your target customers via email. This can be done by sending updates, newsletters, promotions, etc. to customers and prospects in your email list.
  • Pay-per-click – another effective online marketing strategy, PPC involves purchasing ads on search engines. You’re basically paying for every click made on your ad while ensuring that every click is from a targeted customer.
  • Conversion optimization – it’s a technique wherein you make sure that each individual who visits your site can be converted into sales. It can include strategies like having an intuitive website design, using strong and compelling calls-to-action, and including buttons on your content prompting them to purchase your products or subscribe to your offers.


Online marketing is not an overnight process. It takes time, effort, and patience to achieve your desired results. By making use of the above digital marketing strategies and working with an expert, you can certainly enjoy massive sales and revenues in no time.

We’re here to help you

For more information on how to design, promote and brand your website and social media campaign, contact Appfy today!